Yep, that’s me – I’m super dog!

About eremophila

I live in the Australian countryside with my animals. Together we explore the land around us and their connection with the world helps me to see what I would otherwise be blind to. They are my teachers. My aim is to convey this other way of seeing through my photography.

8 responses »

  1. Fred sure is cute! 🙂

  2. 2summers says:

    I love this photo so much.

  3. Walter says:

    Such a beautiful forest to run through Fred. Much nicer than your former abode.

    Woof woof

    Your doggieness Walter

    • eremophila says:

      Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Walter. I had more freedom at the last place, so there’s always a trade-off. Hey – I almost saw an emu today! Certainly could smell where they’d been – but I wasn’t allowed to roll in it…..

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